To Mask or Not to Mask….

I have been watching the debate over mask orders, which seems to include death threats for health officials that make the orders regarding mask and claims of a loss of freedom and constitutional rights. This issue is close to my heart as an immunocompromised person. But I am going to take a open minded/unemotional look at this issue.

First some general observations, I will use my county in California as my example, but I may also refer to my state as a whole. In the county where I live the health officer issued a order changing masks from recommended to required when businesses started to open. This was met with anger, protests and death threats against her. She ended up resigning, and then the order was changed back. Mind you every business, medical facility, restaurants, hair salon and nail shop require people to wear mask. This is not only their right to do, but is included in all the recommendations for reopening; CDC, state and local. Just about a week ago the governor issued a mandate requiring masks in response to the spike in cases we are experiencing in the state and specifically in certain counties, including my county. This has refueled the mask debate.

First lets look at the constitutional rights argument. I will try to look at the amendments that might be applicable in the interest of time. As for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, I think that the very fact that people have gathered and protested the mask issue means there is no loss of freedom of speech and assembly. The press had covered this, as well as the other issues regarding coronavirus, so we still have a free press. And I can’t figure out how a mask could interfere with someone practicing their religion. Now some people may argue that a mask is cruel and unusual punishment, I’m not sure that would stand up in court, but I’m sure someone will try.

The other argument has been that the mask orders are an overreach of government. Since states have broad powers to protect the health and safety of the people, it would seem like a mask order would fit into that power. Lets look at the back story, researchers have been looking into the science of masks. Their studies have been focused on whether a mask protects the wearer and/or the people around them. At the beginning of the pandemic it wasn’t clear if it did offer protection, there was actually a lot of confusion on the topic. But as more has been learned about Covid-19 scientists and doctors agree that a mask does offer protection and is one of the few things you can do for protection. I’ve heard some doctors refer to wearing a mask as a sign that you respect and care for others.

I will close with my own conclusions about masks. First, I understand that no one wants to wear one, neither do I. For me I weigh it against the risk of getting Covid-19 and I feel like it’s a no brainer. It’s only a piece of fabric and it’s not forever, although it may be for those of us immunocompromised. I’ve heard some doctors compare it to the argument regarding seatbelts, that seems like a great analogy. Both are required for the purpose of protecting your health and safety. Seatbelts have certainly saved lives and severe injuries. In time I think masks will be shown to have saved lives. I will leave you with a question, what if we all wear a mask and this virus gets under control and we could get on the other side of this pandemic?

I don’t usually use this forum to take on issued like this, but it has become such a controversy and like it said it’s close to my heart.