Embracing Weirdness

I have had several people tell me that I am weird.  At first I was annoyed by this, everyone is different, is that weird?  But after thinking about it I have decided to embrace my weirdness!  I am different/weird, I have never lived a normal life and I am okay with that.  There have been times when I have tried to hide my weirdness, but why should I have to do that?  To make someone else feel better?  I am tired of trying to change so people will accept me.  Well, no more!  I am embracing my weirdness!

I’m sure there are many things that make me seem weird, like my anxiety.  Even though there are so many people who have some degree of anxiety it seems there is still a lack of knowledge and a stigma attached to it.  Then there is my agoraphobia, talk about a lack of knowledge.  And if it doesn’t make me feel weird enough, by the time I try to explain it I want to hide from me.   There seems to be a mindset that when something isn’t understood it is weird or strange or just wrong.

That lack of understanding was true in my life with my son, Robby.  He had problems not easily understood and his behavior was not the ‘norm’.  So people were stand offish with him, when he was little people would even keep their kids away from him.  So I created a life for us and only invited in people that accepted us.  This made us seem weird, but we were happy!

And now I have someone in my life that suffers from debilitating social anxiety, and trust me people think that’s weird.  But I have found that some of the best people I know and love are weird and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

So, try not to avoid people who seem different or weird.  In stead say hi, get to know them.  Their weirdness may just be what you need in your life.  And if you are the weird one like me, just embrace your weirdness, life is so much happier when you aren’t trying to hide it.

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