Baggage That Needs To Be Packed

I have a chapter in my life that I really want to fold neatly and pack away.  I have processed it, learned lessons from it and want to move on from it.  I haven’t been able to do that because the people involved still owe me money.  Yes, that was one of the lessons from this, don’t loan money!!  So, one of them has chosen to ignore my attempts to collect it.  The other one made a payment arrangement with me and paid some payments (not on time) and now has quit paying.  Now I am left with no option but to file at small claims court, not something I want to do.  So last week I filed the first case, this one is against the person that quit paying.  Next stop…court. Then I will file against the other person, I decided to take them on one at a time.  This has brought back the feelings, the memory of what happened and all my regret that I let myself get into that situation.

I wish that court could be the end, but even if I get a judgement I will still have to try to collect the money.  Some days I feel like this will never be over, but I am trying to hold onto hope.  I have my bag ready to be packed…….some day, some day!!
