Another New Year’s Eve

I am trying to refect on the fact it is New Year’s Eve again.  It feels too soon, this year has flown by.  So much has happened this year, some good and some bad.  I have watched my son’s health decline further, we have accumulated more doctors, we had some fun times with friends and spent too much time in hospitals/doctor’s offices/the emergency room to name a few.  As I write this I am sick…again, something that is happening too much.  But through it all what keeps me going is the love and support of a small group of people–they know who they are!!!

As I continue to reflect back on the year I am, as always, grateful for another year with my son, it hasn’t been an easy one, but it is still a gift.  We were able to find time for some fun-we had a fun day at the fair, we made a day trip to San Deigo at the end of summer and at the holidays we spent a day at Knott’s Berry Farm.  We were able to go on our fun outtings because of the help and support of Robby’s nurses, who are like family to us.

I have also been spending some time looking forward, I have some big decisions facing me in the new year.  I am considering moving, a decision I have put off until after the holidays.  It seems like an enormous undertaking, but in the end might be the best choice…so we will see!!!

I have made some commentments to myself, I don’t do resolutions, they don’t hold up well.  I am going to make more time to work on the book.  I am going to do better about posting more here on the blog (it’s not like I don’t have anything to write about).  I want to make more memories with Robby.  And I want make sure that our unique ‘family’ knows just how much we love and appreciate them.

So I guess it is time to take a deep breath, look forward and take a big step forward into the new year……….